DST/HIS observation on 20150412
Observer : S.UeNo
Focus adjustment
Focus mode: 00:21:48 - 00:26:29 Focus mode

Active Region Monitor: AR on the east limb
comment: Thin clouds, but some brightenings and a jet.
-1.20 -0.90 -0.60 -0.30 +0.00 +0.30 +0.60 +0.90 +1.20
00:30:13 - 05:13:46 ( 279) 00:30:15 - 05:13:48 ( 233) 00:30:17 - 05:13:28 ( 165) 00:35:22 - 05:13:30 ( 73) 00:30:21 - 05:13:32 ( 86) 00:30:23 - 05:13:34 ( 113) 00:30:26 - 05:13:36 ( 243) 00:30:28 - 05:13:38 ( 290) 00:30:30 - 05:13:41 ( 315)

Dark Frames
comment: Dark Frames: 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 450, 500, 550, 600 ms * 10 frames
+0.00 +0.20 +0.30 +0.40 +0.50 +0.60 +0.70 +0.80 +0.90 +1.00
08:48:18 - 08:51:36 ( 10) 08:47:58 - 08:51:16 ( 10) 08:48:00 - 08:51:18 ( 10) 08:48:02 - 08:51:20 ( 10) 08:48:04 - 08:51:22 ( 10) 08:48:06 - 08:51:24 ( 10) 08:48:09 - 08:51:27 ( 10) 08:48:11 - 08:51:29 ( 10) 08:48:13 - 08:51:31 ( 10) 08:48:15 - 08:51:33 ( 10)