---SMART T1 Observation Log--- 2006-May-03 Start: 2006.05.02 21:37 UT End: 2006.05.03 09:20 UT (1) 21:37--23:47 (2) 00:20--09:20 Wavelength: -9.90 -0.50 0.00 0.50 0.80 -0.80 A DataAmount: 1679 images Observer: K.Otsuji ------------------------------- Event list: NONE ------------------------------- Error list: 05:00 The clock on the telescope control PC (equatorial panel) was stopping. The contorol panel-2 : switch OFF -> ON then recovered. 07:12 The clock on the telescope control PC (equatorial panel) was stopped. The contorol panel-2 : switch OFF -> ON then recovered. 08:47 T1 camera freeze : camera power OFF -> ON then recovered. 09:22 T1 wavelength shift trouble : control box pawer OFF -> ON then recovered. ------------------------------- ---SMART T2 Observation Log--- 2006-May-03 Start: 2006.05.02 23:34 UT End: 2006.05.03 06:47 UT Wavelength: -0.12 -0.07 0.07 0.12 A DataAmount: 2267 images