---SMART T1 Observation Log--- 2006-Jan-12 Start: 2006.01.11 23:30 UT End: 2006.01.12 07:27 UT (1) 23:30--00:15 (2) 00:56--07:27 Wavelength: -0.80 -0.50 0.00 0.50 0.80 A DataAmount: 1019 images Observer: Y. Yamauchi ------------------------------- Event list: NONE ------------------------------- Error list: 01:29UT TI camera error; Computer and Camera Reboot; OK 05:14UT, 05:45UT, 06:21UT, and 06:53UT DEC(+/-) response in guide mode not so good; Repearted DEC(+/-) in a couple of times or DEC(+/-) in MID mode; OK ------------------------------- ---SMART T2 Observation Log--- 2006-Jan-12 Start: 2006.01.12 03:41 UT End: 2006.01.12 07:26 UT Wavelength: 0.00 -0.12 -0.07 0.07 0.12 A DataAmount: 1208 images